Samurai/ninja experience  Tokyo

アメリカからいらっしゃった御家族❗️ 侍&忍者体験を楽しんでいただきました。  チップ(お心付け)まで頂き、恐縮です。 楽しんで頂けたとの事。本当に有難い。 この旅行で日本を更に好きになっていただけたら嬉しいです。
A family from America❗️ Enjoyed the samurai & ninja experience. I apologize for the tip (gratuity). “I heard you enjoyed it.” Thank you very much. “I would be happy if this trip made you fall in love with Japan even more.”


Ninja experience 20230521(Tokyo/Sightseeing/Tokyo Tower)

In front of Tokyo Tower, we are doing a samurai & ninja experience.  Today’s participants are three brothers and their mother who are on good terms. Shuriken throwing was also great. “The ninja graduation exam is to rescue a family captured by the enemy.” You have successfully completed it. “After this, we’re going to eat some delicious ramen.” I hope you like Japan and come back again❗️ NINJA

Samurai & Ninja experience (with interpreter, Tokyo, sightseeing)


Samurai & Ninja experience in Tokyo!

This is a special plan that allows you to experience two popular experiences at once.

A great plan that can be held in only one group and includes an English interpreter.

Please come and visit us when you travel to Japan.